On Fridays, I often try to post about fun things to do on the weekend here in NYC. There are lots of free events like concerts, theatre and movies in some of the city's lovely outdoor spaces. Last night, I was out at Prospect Park's bandshell for a sing-a-long screening of PURPLE RAIN. That was awesome! Well, a friend recently alerted me to a freebie that sounded too good to be true; free drinks every night! There's an amazing website called myopenbar.com that creates a daily listing of open bars throughout New York City for each day of the week. And, of course, there's an App that puts all this info on your phone with a map of the bar locations. So even though unemployment is down today by one-tenths of a percent, the recession is still on and this might just be the perfect tool for trying times. Have a great weekend and cheers!